Tuesday 24 August 2010

sampai pukul berapa??

nih u bawak anak you pegi hospital nih sampai pukul berapa?.. berapa jam?

parents with special need child have flexible working hour untuk uruskan kebajikan anak OKU

sila rujuk surat JPA (S) 1619 Klt.11 (29( bertarikh 30 Ogos 2004


it was 2008, it was a short course till weekend.... i was unable to attend one session on saturday.

nobody to take care of kid1 and kid2
hubby is going to have a presentation on saturday

P, can i be excused from attending this saturday?..anak saya takde siapa nak jaga..... suami saya ada kelas

ooo....u bawak je anak u ke sini, i dah bagitau kat staf i, this weekend u all kena jadi baby sitter kalau...

tapi anak saya lain sikit.... nak bawak ke sini??..anak saya special sikit..

special??...semua anak special...anak saya pun special...kata P sambil tersenyum sinis.... bawak je

nih special need child... susah nak jaga...cara makan pun lain....

dia makan macamana?..(seseorang yang lain menyampuk)

dia hisap susu mengiring......bla bla

(but as a conclusion, i still have to attend)

at home... i tried to deal with the daycare... kot2 ada yg boleh tolong jaga weekend.... mereka kata , akan bagitau kemudian,

hubby returned from work...with kid2 on his lap....... i told him what happened..... i can say i'm a very dedicated worker... i always try to finish my work on time...but i have priority in life.... can someone please be considerate....

in the middle of the story.....suddenly i feel sad...really sad...as a mother...having a special need child....feeling bad and disappointed ... miserable... i cried...the ugly cry....thinking that..why it become so difficult for these people to understand.... and to think who will take care of the kids.....

suddenly....kid2...tried to reach me....he actually tried to hug me .. seems like he tried to make me calm ....

hubby said....haaa!! do you think he couldnt understand what we are talking about?...he tried to make you feel better....he understands...

he look curious, suspicious....and even sad....like he was sharing my feeling.....special kid have feelings too......

lagi laaaa hibanya perasaan keibuanku...

it was a sad day for me.....

people are not aware of the OKU's welfare and facilities... may be they dont even want to have anything to do with OKU... it's not in their life's dictionary...

note: principal of the daycare asked one of her staff to take care of kid1 and kid2 (with extra payment of course). i attended the course for half day only cause seems like not all were coming after all.... huh!!..such a rules and regulations...

ini hukum manusia buat.... takkan tak boleh ubah...


jadi cikgu:
1998.... cik nih serius laaa
2000....garangnye cik.... tapi semester nih kurang dahh skett
2002.....senyum laaa miss...
2007..... puan, senyum laaa sikit baru manis....
pesal, muka saya garang ker.....iskkk...tak laa.... tak garang pun...
2009.... i may be look serious, but please feel free to ask question. this is me... memang susah nak senyum....baca gila-gila pun berkerut dahi tau.....siapa dapat senyum saya...memang bertuah laaa....

i know....on the very first meeting with the students, they seems so obedient... listen to every word i said.... class been so silent.... haaa.... in the middle of the semester.... suara bertanya, suara berdiskusi cukup kuat dan meriah sampai cikgu nak cakap pun takde ruang....

jadi kawan:
1995... saya bila mula jumpa awak..memang takut nak tegur....macam sombong..tapi sebenarnya tak pun....

2010.... cik joe....wife cik joe tu garang laaa....dia garang tak kat rumah....?

umpama padi

hari pertama ramadhan yang lalu....

saya tahu....padi...makin menunduk...makin berisi.... kamu semua nih.... makin menundukkk.... tak tahu laah berisi ke atau beradu...

kelas pukul 8.30am..mengantuknya mengalahkan orang qiamullail sepanjang malam.... atau duk bersahur sepanjang malam???

10.20am... haaahhh....that's all for today, we'll meet again tomorrow for the dicsussion of the questions. haaa!!! sape yang ngantuk tadi...tidooo!!.. nih bila orang dah mula bagi kata2 terakhir, makin segar pulak mata.... tidooooo....!!

industrial power fan 2

it's gone.... it really really gone... tarikh sewaan sudah tamat. kelas ini sunyi tanpa ngauman kipas yang besar itu lagi. asalnya merungut kerana dibekalkan kipas yang bising dan bertiup dengan kasar.... sudahnya, bila sudah tiada.... terasa pulak kehilangannya.....

hmmm.....makin hangat suasana di kelas ini...

sudahlah cikgu mengadap ke luar...matahari baru naik... jadinya mata jadi silau....anak murid memang jelas nampak cikgu... cikgu nampak anak murid umpama bayang-bayang sahaja dek cahaya di belakang anak murid begitu terang.

musim ramadhan ini, makin kering tekak dek kerana bercakap dan dek kerana berpeluh akibat kepanasan.....

itulah,....bila ada merungut.... bila tiada....susah pulak jadinya.... maafkan aku kipas kerana kehadiranmu tidak berapa dihargai dulu....

Friday 13 August 2010


hallo, i want to ask about the quotation that i received from your shop

yes....what's the serial number,


ok....it's wheelchair, bed...etc.....the total is RM5,500

RM5,500??? bed?...i think i order only a wheelchair. my copy here state RM1,500 only. it's for my son

how old is he?

5 years old

hold on aaa.....ooo...what's the date of the quotation?



i want to know about the wheelchair, last time the therapist said that it will include a detachable seat, so we can use it as a car seat.

ok...read the serial number of the wheelchair,


oooo....can you see the amount at the end of it....


that's the total laaaa...

i know which is the quotation price (ingat aku bodo sangat) dont you have a copy of the quotation?. i just want to know about the wheelchair

there's a total at the end of it .....so, that's the price laaa

i know!!!....but I want to know whether it is the correct wheelchair that the therapist mentioned to me. she inform me that it is a custom made lightweight wheelchair....

ooo...can you fax the quotation

u dont have the copy?...i'm calling from my house....dont have a fax machine

the person preparing the quotation has quit. we do not know where he put the original copy....can you fax it?

it's ok laaa...i'll call the therapist laaa.... (hapa punya company....sakit ati betuiii...jap lagi bankrap laaa kalu bisness ginih)

how rude can the student be?